Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Exciting noose, er... news*

I have a lot of exciting noose news. 
Well, a fair amount of semi-exciting news. 

First off, I have a new blog design (if that isn't already obvious)! Anyway, I am quite happy with it and like it a lot. Please comment and give me your opinions!

Secondly, I have a couple followers! This makes me extremely happy, so Thank You!!!

I have recently been commissioned to make Piplup (pokemon) earrings for a girl who attends the same school as myself, which is awesome (my first commission)!

Also, there is a week until my birthday! My party is going to be a Victorian inspired tea party with Gothic elements. There are going to be a whole bunch of different baked goods, finger sandwiches, and two different kinds of tea; Orange Pekoe, and Blueberry (I know, I know. Earl Grey is the traditional tea party tea. But it's the only tea that I have ever experienced that I absolutely cannot stomach (its the only tea that I really dislike at all for that matter)). There will also be Tea Dueling (if you are unaware of what this is, please click the hyperlink which will bring you to a wonderful article I found on the lovely blog 'Unlacing the Victorians'). 

Last night I found this awesome show; Die Schule der kleinen Vampire. Its called 'School for Vampires' in English (I think?) and it is super cute. The show is fairly kid-ish, but it's adorable and fun, and great entertainment for a lazy day when you have nothing better to do. The hyperlink brings you to the first episode of the first season with English subtitles.

I think thats mostly all the exciting news I have. I am back at my aunts house because my parents have gone away (I just got home on Wednesday and I left again on Sunday)! I'll be getting home on Friday, and then I will have three days to bake everything for my tea party, and go shopping for napkins and a table cloth and such, so I'm going to be busy! However, I'll continue posting random entries, and will make sure to post pictures from my Tea Party.. I also hope to be posting some more recipes!

Anyway I shall love you and leave you with this cute Beetlejuice-y comic strip that I found saved on my computer.


Have a lovely night,
~Anne <3

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